If you find a Pilates studio in your area, make certain that the teachers are certified and have serious references. A good formation takes years, and you don’t want a teacher who has taken one of the quickie training courses that seem to be flourishing in France. Ask how many hours they have spent in certification, how long they have been teaching, and if their training included sufficient anatomy training.
You can be assured that all of the teachers at the A-Lyne studio have been through the most rigorous certification that includes not only all of the classical Pilates exercises, but evolutions of those exercises as well as intensive anatomy courses. All of our teachers have their specialty, and they are trained to evaluate your particular issues and modify exercises for any injuries you might have.
Listed below are our teachers who offer lessons in English. To take a private course with one of our teachers,
please contact them directly by email.
The classes take place at:
Monday through Saturday
from 9:00 to 7:00pm
27 rue Notre Dame de Nazareth
75003 Paris FRANCE
(+33) 06 72 36 50 26

Nadège MacLeay
A choreographer for her own dance company with more than 20 original works to her credit, and dancer working with renowned contemporary choreographers of contrasting styles, Nadège MacLeay also received a university degree in Japanese language and civilization. She is a certified teacher of contemporary dance awarded the French Certificat d’Aptitude (C.A.) and the Diplôme d’Etat (D.E.). In 2013, she also became certified in Balanced Body Pilates by the A-Lyne studio in Paris. She now divides her time between teaching and artistic endeavors.
As both artist and teacher, she has always worked toward the same goal, that of constantly enrich her profound understanding of how the body moves, and finding new and dynamic ways to share her knowledge.
Her classes encourage the development of a relaxed and centered body, and through heightening energy flow, a body that is intelligent and always ready to be set into motion.

Orianne Campion
Pilates, Yoga & dance teacher
Pilates, Yoga and dance teacher
Trained in Florence, Italy as a dancer and choreographer, Orianne is passionate about the body and how it works.
She received her Pilates certification at A-Lyne on the mat and apparatus (reformer level 4). She also certified in yoga Vinyasa yoga at the a Yoga School of Johannesburg, and in Liquid Flow and Yin Yoga.

Keiko Abe-Pottier
Keiko discovered Pilates as a body conditioning method, mainly for the purpose of dance injury prevention. She has completed teacher training program at Studio A-Lyne, and obtains certificates for Mat, Reformer, Cadillac, and Chair. She is also certified as Pre- /Post-natal Pilates teacher from Carolyne Anthony/The Center for Women’s Fitness.
She enjoys sharing the benefits of Pilates and assisting clients, whose ages and backgrounds vary, to reach their individual goals. Her class focuses on body awareness in order to explore the harmonized state of body: relaxed yet responsive, effort-free yet dynamic, serene yet functional. Keiko teaches in English, French, and Japanese.
She holds a CQP ALS and is a member of FPMP (Fédération des Professionnels de la Méthode Pilates).

Elodie Scullino

Karine Leurquin

Sylvie Barthes
Quand elle a été diagnostiquée d’une spondyl arthrite ankylosante Sylvie a abandonné son métier, qui la maintenait assise derrière un bureau, pour une reconversion totale dans le Pilates.
En effet, le meilleur moyen de retarder et de combattre les symptones d’une telle maladie est d’offrir au corps le maximum d’activité et de mouvements. Si elle a eu l’audace d’écouter ses besoins vitaux physiques au détriment du reste c’est parce qu’après seulement quelque cours d’essais le Pilates s’est imposé comme une nécessité salvatrice, complémentaire avec sa passion de danse de Tango.
Après une formation auprès des riches enseignements de Martine Curtis Oakes, de Kelly Moriarty et de Greg Montean, Sylvie a obtenu son diplôme du Studio A-Lyne et de BalancedBody University. Cela ne la que plus conforté dans l’efficacité et les bienfaits de la pratique: apprendre à mieux bouger, de manière efficace pour renforcer le corps, augmenter la souplesse, corriger l’alignement postural, gagner en équilibre, tout en améliorant la coordination pour procurer un sentiment durable de bien-être.
A former dancer with ten years of performance experience, Elodie has been a fitness coach both to individuals and at enterprises since 2011. She was certified to teach Pilates at A-lyne
She is also a certified trainer (2015) for éléctromyostimulation XBody France.
She has been working with ODYSSEA since 2013 in their work fighting breast cancer.
She is passionate about movement and specializes in fitness and postural re-education – with a goal of improving daily movements no matter what age or physical limitation. She also works with athletes to improve their performance.
Trained at the Classical Dance Center of Belgium, she has taught movement for many years to a variety of populations and ages.
Actress, dancer and teacher, she obtained her contemporary dance teaching certificate in 2000 (CND Paris) and regularly trains actors in movement and interpretation.
Curious about many different movement modalities, Karine has trained in numerous techniques such as Feldenkrais, the Alexander Method, contact dance, gyrokinesis. functional movement analysis (AFCMD), stretching (ELDOA) with Guy Voyer and movement with Blandine Calais-Germaine – all of which she incorporates into her Pilates teaching.
She obtained her Pilates certification in 2008 at A-Lyne on both the mat and all of the apparatus. She specializes in Pilates for seniors and people with physical handicaps..
She gives many workshops outside of Paris.

Karine Dubois
It was her work as a cameraman that led her to search for a physical activity that could improve and prevent injuries. Something that could be done no matter the age or physical condition.
In 2012, her search led her to Pilates. She obtained her teaching diploma in 2014 at A-Lyne. In addition, she regularly participates in the workshops given by of Hélène Todorovitch which focus on anatomy as it relates to movement.
Karine gives provate and group lessons at A-Lyne’s studio, as well as lessons at enterprises in Paris.

Piera Formenti
Piera was certified at A-Lyne’s formation center directed by Martine Curtis, Kelly Moriarty, and Greg Montean. She is an actress who was trained at the Conservatoire National Supérieur d’Art Dramatique de Milan and now is most notably involved in contemporary music projects.
Piera teaches all levels of Pilates on both the mat and all equipment in French, Italian and English. She specializes in super advanced work on the reformer and collaborated on A-Lyne’s level 4 reformer manual.
Passionate about biomechanics and anatomy, she is certified in Anatomy Trains® I&II. She also has a certification in “Abdologie et Maternité” at the institute of Dr. De Gasquet®.

Fabienne Bellarbre
Fabienne was introduced to Pilates when she was working abroad as a dancer. In New York, she took lessons and workshops with Romana Kryzanowska and Sari Meija Santo. When she returned to Paris, she certified as a Pilates teacher with Jennifer Stacey’s Peak Performance offered by A-Lyne Pilates in 2004.
She has taught Pilates for 16 years in conjunction with contemporary dance and yoga.

Joanna Kramdi
Née en Pologne Joanna est arrivée en France il y a 13 ans. Passionnée par la danse elle s’est inscrite aux cours de moderne jazz au Centre de Danse du Marais. Malheureusement après un accident de bateau les douleurs liées à une hernie discale l’obligent à arrêter la danse. Même son travail d’assistante de direction devient de plus en plus difficile à cause des douleurs dorsales. Elle découvre alors la méthode Pilates.
Les bienfaits du Pilates se font ressentir assez rapidement.
« Le médecin m’a conseillé de renforcer la ceinture abdominale pour protéger mon dos… quoi de mieux que le Pilates.»
Un an plus tard, elle décide de changer d’orientation professionnelle et commence une formation chez A-Lyne pour devenir professeur de la méthode Pilates.