The A-Lyne teacher training program is one of the most respected in France and exceeds the standards of all international Pilates’ governing bodies. Our students arrive from all walks of life and from all corners of the earth. If you come from the world of dance, fitness, kinesiology, or movement therapy, this is an opportunity to add an important new dimension to your existing career, or to change your career entirely. Our teacher training center offers one of the most exacting Pilates teacher training programs and is recognised by the Pilates Federation of France (FPMP).
In addition, our center offers continuing education to perfect your teaching of the Pilates Method, as well as other modalities and anatomy concepts to augment your knowledge of human movement.
Mat 1 & Anatomy
March 15-18, 2019
Mat 1 module/workshop
Practice teaching
Personal practice
10 :00 - 17 :00
Mat 2
March 29th - April 1, 2019 2 / workshop
Mat 2 module/workshop
10 :00 - 17 :00
Mat 3
May 10-13 2019
Module 3 /workshop
Personal practice
Reformer 1 &
July 5-9 2019
Reformation 1 module/workshop
Practice teaching
Personal practice
10 :00 - 17 :00
Reformer 2
September 13-15 2019
Reformer 2 module/workshop
Practice teaching
Personal practice
10 :00 - 17 :00
Reformer 3 &
November 8 - 11 2019
Reformer 1 module/workshop
Practice teaching
Personal practice
10 :00 - 17 :00
What we teach and who teaches it
Martine Curtis, Kelly Moriarty, and Greg Montean have developed the A-Lyne Pilates certification in order to pass along to future teachers the complete classical repertoire of exercises. At the same time, they introduce methodologies and knowledge gleaned from new research that will enhance the practice of not only classical Pilates, but movement in general, as well as posture and well-being.
The Curtis-Moriarty-Montean system requires a huge investment of time and energy on the part of the candidate. The development of his or her own practice and the discovery of how one’s own body responds to the work, is central to the program and the success of the candidate. The program is technically rigorous, but presented in a stimulating format that sets it apart from programs that simply teach Pilates as a series of exercises.
Reformer 1 &
July 5-9, 2019
Reformation 1 module/workshop
Practice teaching
Personal practice
10 :00 - 17 :00
Reformer 2
September 13-15, 2019
Reformer 2 module/workshop
Practice teaching
Personal practice
10 :00 - 17 :00
Reformer 3 &
November 8 - 11, 2019
Reformer 1 module/workshop
Practice teaching
Personal practice
10 :00 - 17 :00

Mat 1
(technique on the mat level 1)
History of Pilates and the Pilates method
Study of the concepts and principles of movement - includes study of respiration, the center, the spine, pelvis, and the concept of “natural” or “neutral” pelvis, study of the pelvic floor and the abdominal muscles.
Learn and practice pre-Pilates exercises as well as level 1 Pilates exercises
Learn to safely teach pre-Pilates and level 1 Pilates exercises.
Mat 2
(technique on the mat level 2)
Reinforce the knowledge and practice of Pilates principles :
. stability,
. balance,
. strength,
. coordination,
. postural alignment -
Study of pelvic and shoulder girdle movement and stability
Practice more advanced Pilates exercises
Learn how to construct a level 2 mat class for a group of clients.
Learn to impart knowledge to clients, effective cuing, what it means to be a teacher
Concept of Center and Pilates Movement Ideas
In these ateliers, trainees are given anatomy and concepts that can help with the understanding and teaching of Pilates
Learn how to identify and engage specific muscles and discover how those muscles relate to the center and the rest of the body. Explore breathing as a means to engage the center as an integrated part of abdominal work. .
Put application of muscle identification and breathing practices into practice starting with fundamental movements, pre-Pilates, and moving to the full Pilates mat repertoire up to level 3.
Mat 3
(technique on the mat level 3)
Learn to structure an advanced mat class.
Learn advanced exercises and review all levels.
Learn how to warm up and prepare clients for advanced work.
Practice modifying and adapting exercices for different physical profiles.
Learn all of the classical and some non-classical transitions
Correct the written tests.
Reformer 1
Introduction to the reformer. How to use the reformer to augment the results that we can achieve with clients on the mat. The concept of feedback from the apparatus to assist the Pilates professional in aligning, stabilising, and balancing the client. Not only using the apparatus to reinforce/balance/and stretch, but as a method to discover the connections between the different areas of the body using the breath and working from the center.
Master the apparatus: knowing the various types and brands of reformer.
Regulate the apparatus depending on the morphology of the client and the objectives of the course.
Improve the alignment of the lower limbs (hips/knees/ankles)Améliorer l’alignement des membres inférieurs.
Stabilise the pelvic and shoulder girdles on the apparatus.
Stabilise et mobilise the spine and improve the standing and seated postures.
Discover the connections: center/flexion; center/arms; center/legs; center/back extensors.
Use movement and stability to reinforce and balance the body as a whole.
Learn to use respiration to stabilise the client and facilitate movement.
Master all of the level one exercises and teach them safely to clients.
Reformer 2
The reinforcement of knowledge acquired in Reformer 1: muscular re-enforcement, stability, coordination, alignement, connections, spinal mobility and breathing. Application of this knowledge to the Reformer 2 repertoire. Initiation of spinal rotation and improvement of stability and alignment in a vertical position. More precisely:
Knowledge of effective spinal rotation. Application to Reformer exercises.
Coordination of spinal movements and unification with movement of the limbs.
Improvement of standing posture and gait — relating principles to Reformer position and work.
Improvement of stability and position of the trunk and ribcage.
Improving stability and mobility of the shoulder girdle with pressure on the hands.
Development of peripheral muscle strength and coordination.
Reformer 3
Trainees learn how to use the knowledge acquired in the previous workshops to progress their own work and their teaching ability to the most advanced and quite athletic level. At this level, the trainees will acquire an extremely precise level of teaching to:
Develop balance and stability in complicated positions and with complicated choreography
Increase flexibility
Improve fluidity
Improve spinal alignment
Cue to effectuate body awareness and precision
The prerequisites
It’s necessary for the candidate to have a minimal knowledge of Pilates theory and a base level of anatomy knowledge. The future trainees are given a non-graded test to evaluate their level.
Individual lessons are obligatory: 10 private prerequisite lesson for the Mat certification and 15 for the complete certification.
A medical certificate
After the initial evaluation, the candidate is required to take a minimal number of individual lessons to get up to the appropriate level (50 euros per lesson) so that the group is capable of progressing rapidly to an advanced level.
The complete program
Find attached the table breaking down the complete program, knowing that it’s possible to move through the various modules at your own rhythm.
A-Lyne determines the dates for the exams, and it’s necessary to have completed all of the necessary hours of practice and observation before that date.
As part of the anatomy study, trainees are required to complete a written case study
Anatomy courses are given regularly in the course of the certification so that the trainee can apply this knowledge to teaching a pedagogical partner (16 courses) and producing a short written case study (twenty to thirty pages). This case study includes a postural analysis of the partner, the chosen teaching program, the apparatus used, the objectives achieved in 16 sessions.
The final exam consists of a rigorous evaluation of the trainees personal practice (advanced level).
An evaluation of the trainee’s teaching ability (with a person at an advanced level)
A written anatomy test
Trapeze Table
(ou Cadillac)
The ergonomics of the Trapeze Table (or Cadillac) permits movements of greater amplitude. It’s an excellent apparatus for teaching concepts, rehabilitation, and also for performing some of the very advanced Pilates work. The Trap Table allows for development of stability and mastery of the the body in a space that is very different from the Reformer. The Trap Table can also be the most dangerous piece of equipment, and trainees learn how to set up the apparatus and cue clients for maximum safety. Trainees learn:
To teach all levels of clients on the Trap Table
How to stabilise the spine and mobilise the rib cage in all planes
How to work with the weight of the body against the resistance of the springs and supports - sometimes in suspension
How to spot the bars and cue the client to move in a safe manner
The chair can be a difficult apparatus to use, and difficult to teach. The more advanced work can require a great deal of upper body strength, but at the same time, the apparatus often a good choice for pregnant women who can perform exercises in a seated position. Trainees are made aware of:
Efficient manual cueing while keeping their own bodies same
Effective work of the shoulder girdle — both stabilising and mobilising
How to work with the lower limbs while considering the antagonists of the posterior chain
How to teach pregnant women on the chair in a seated position
How to take advantage of three dimensional movement on the chair
Small Equipment / Barrels
Use of the other equipment (Spine Corrector, Ladder Barrel, Ped-a-Pull, circles, etc) either as stand-alone apparatus or as a complement to work on the Reformer, Trap Table, or Chair.
Exploration of the smaller equipment as a means to cue and support the body when learning difficult or new movements.
Use of the Ladder Barrel to explore articular movements (both spine and limbs) of greater amplitude.

Martine, Greg, and Kelly have specifically developed a certification that includes the following:
A classical repertoire that allows for a more modern interpretation. While they insist that all of the candidates know all of the classical exercises in their original form, they all bring their own knowledge of different modalities to give trainees options to enrich their classical practice. They don’t insist that trainees chose a specific Pilates style. When given options, each candidate can chose his or her own path
A course of certification that is modular and adaptable.
Obtaining a complete A-Lyne diploma requires almost 800 hours (see the program for the current certification). The trainee can chose to do the modules back-to-back, or individually at their own rhythm.
The modules include the work on the Mat, as well as work on all to the apparatus (reformer, trap table, chair, barrels, ped-a-pole). As well, A-Lyne offers a reformer 4 diploma for those who chose to do it. This is very advanced and entirely optional.
The A-Lyne diploma meets all of the requirements of both the French Pilates federation and the PMA (the Pilates governing body in the US). With an A-Lyne diploma, you can apply for membership in both of these organizations. Although a diploma does not guarantee membership in the PMA or in the FPMP, nor does it guarantee employment.
An international environment while establishing France as a Pilates power center.
A-Lyne is well-anchored in the social fabric of Paris, France, and Europe, but encourages openness to the outside and welcomes trainees from Japan, the US, the UK, Korea, and Scandinavia.
In addition A-Lyne invites international experts in the world of Pilates and other modalities, to give teaching seminars at A-Lyne.
A constant interest in innovation and complementary techniques.
In fact, Pilates himself was always exploring different physical disciplines and oriental and occidental philosophies. Martine, Kelly and Greg also explore modalities outside of Pilates that can enrich the certification as well as enhance the results for clients- modalities such as GYROKINESIS®, Feldenkrais, fascial massage, Chinese medicine, and neuro-muscular training. A-Lyne encourages the trainees to explore other methods to augment their Pilates practice.
A requirement to keep the quality high in light of the importance of serving future clients.
It takes more than a few days to learn how to teach Pilates to clients – even if you have a dance, fitness, or medical background.
A-Lyne demands the highest level of commitment from trainees. The security and welfare of a trainee’s future clients depends on the quality of their training and the trainees commitment to that training. A-Lyne’s certification is an apprenticeship program that includes theory as well as practical studies, hours of observation and practice teaching, as well as personal practice.
Greg, Kelly, and Martine ask that the trainee focus is on his or her future clients and how to best serve them. This is why the exploration of movement with their own bodies and with their fellow trainees is so important.
The Pilates apparatus is always available to the trainees.
A-Lyne is open to the trainees between 8:00-20:00 almost every day for personal practice and practice with others. The door is equipped with a digicode so that they can have free access. This open access to the apparatus helps explain the quality of the teachers that come out of the A-Lyne program.
Trapeze Table
January 10- 13, 2020
Trapeze Table module/workshop
Practice teaching
Personal practice
10 :00 - 17 :00
February 28 - March 2, 2020
Chair module/workshop
Practice teaching
Personal practice
10 :00 - 17 :00
Barrel &
Petit Materiel
March 21 - 22, 2020
Barrel module/workshop
Practice teaching
Personal practice
10 :00 - 17 :00
Au studio A-Lyne, les stagiaires auront amplement l’occasion d’observer de très bons professeurs. La liste des créneaux horaires réservés à l’observation, figure sur le site web et restent les mêmes d’une semaine sur l’autre.
Il est recommandé d’observer des enseignants issus de différentes écoles, c’est pourquoi les stagiaires peuvent effectuer certaines heures dans d’autres studios, en faisant signer leur relevé horaire par le professeur observé.
Précisons que l’observation consiste également à prendre des notes sur les indications données par le professeur à son client, sa manière de présenter les exercices ou de les modifier, et tout ce qui rend sa pédagogie fructueuse.
Enseigner la méthode Pilates est un art qui exige beaucoup de temps et de pratique afin de parvenir à percevoir et à transmettre correctement les nuances de cette vaste technique. Cette partie de la formation permet au candidat d’acquérir une expérience pratique et pédagogique précieuse tout en étant encadré.
L’examen final est organisé une fois que le candidat aura terminé ses 200 heures d’enseignement.
Le stagiaire a la possibilité d’inviter gratuitement un volontaire pendant les deux premiers mois de sa pratique d’enseignement supervisé. Après cette période, les stagiaires sont invités à travailler entre eux afin de réaliser rapidement le nombre d’heures d’enseignement.
Un professeur qualifié encadrera les premiers cours afin d’aider et de soutenir le futur professeur et de s’assurer de la sécurité. Des créneaux spécifiques seront attribués pour le travail personnel et les cours donnés aux volontaires. Ces horaires seront affichés avec ceux concernant l’observation des cours.
Au studio A-Lyne, les stagiaires auront amplement l’occasion d’observer de très bons professeurs. La liste des créneaux horaires réservés à l’observation, figure sur le site web et restent les mêmes d’une semaine sur l’autre.
Il est recommandé d’observer des enseignants issus de différentes écoles, c’est pourquoi les stagiaires peuvent effectuer certaines heures dans d’autres studios, en faisant signer leur relevé horaire par le professeur observé.
Précisons que l’observation consiste également à prendre des notes sur les indications données par le professeur à son client, sa manière de présenter les exercices ou de les modifier, et tout ce qui rend sa pédagogie fructueuse.
At A-Lyne, trainees are given the opportunity to observe experienced and creative teachers. The hours of observation are listed on the website and, outside of vacations, stay consistent week to week. It’s recommended that the trainee takes notes during the observation hours as to remember the cueing and modifications given by the instructor to the clients of different ability and background.
Teaching the Pilates method is an art that requires time and practice to correctly transmit the nuances of this vast technique. This aspect of the certification program allows the candidate to acquire precious practical experience in a supportive environment. The final exam can be taken once the candidate has logged 200 hours of teaching. The trainee is encouraged to invite an outside person that they can teach (not for pay) during the first two months of supervised practice teaching.
The trainees are also encouraged to teach each other so that they can more quickly acquire teaching experience and log the required hours. There is most always a qualified teacher available to assist and support the future instructor and ensure the safety of the volunteer client.
Coming Soon...
Day 1
Anatomical terminology
Osteology of the spinal column
Muscle function
Types of muscle contraction and biomechanics
Muscles of the abdominal wall
Pelvic balancing
Lumbo-pelvien stability, the hips, and the knees
Introduction to postural analysis
Day 2
Scapular stability and mobility
Exercise constraints and contraindications
Alignment, posture and postural analysis
Commom alignment anomalies
Case studies
Practical work and morphological assessment
Muscle assessment
Day 3
The feet
General teaching principles
Methodology and development of training sessions
Choice of teaching tools
Selection of exercises
Choice of course format

Admission Requirements:
Our program is open to candidates from all walks of life. Many of our candidates come to us wth a fitness of dance background, but more and more, candidates are coming with the desire to change totally their career paths. No applicant will be denied on the basis of race, national origin, color, creed, religion, sex, age, disability, gender identity, gender expression, or sexual orientation.
We require a medical certificate stating that the candidate is fit to undergo the physical rigours of the certification process. We then conduct an evaluation to judge the candidates ability to move and follow instructions. Most of our candidates come to us with quite a bit of Pilates training — this is ideal as we prefer to start candidates who are already at an intermediate level with their Pilates practice. However, since Pilates is relatively new in France, we do have our prerequisite program in place just to ensure that the student will have a sufficient level before the workshops actually begin.
Enrollment Procedure:
After filling out the admissions form, and presenting a medical certificate, the candidate will interview with our Admissions Advisor who will throughly explain the expectations of the school. He also tries to asses what that future student’s expectations are of the program. Financing is covered at this point, as many of our students are financed by employers, AFDAS, Pole-Emploi, or other organisations. Our Advisor then fills out the necessary forms so that the student can present them to the appropriate agency. If the candidate will be financing their own certification, a payment system is worked out that is agreeable to the center as well as the candidate. There is a 300 euro non-refundable deposit to secure a place in an upcoming certification.
Late enrolment is not accepted. A-Lyne starts new programs every May and October, and offers a Mat Intensive in July. If a candidate arrives late, he or she can begin preparing for the upcoming cycle.
The A-Lyne administrator is available three days a week to consult with trainees about financing, educational progress, or studio concerns. In addition, the certification team is available to discuss specific Pilates-related questions and progress concerns.
Grades are given after each test out. Tests are given at the completion of Mat 3, Reformer 3, and the final exam at the end of all the apparatus modules. The observation, personal practice, and teaching logbooks must be completed before a test can be taken.
To pass any of the following exams, a trainee must receive a grade of at least 80% of the total. Below are listed the absolute values of each portion of the various test outs.
All students receive their grades and an evaluation of each category of the test by email. If the student has not successfully completed all parts the final exam, there will be a debriefing to assist the trainee in preparing for the next round of exams and set up either lessons to improve their personal practice or assistance to help with teaching difficulties. Again, the portions of the tests that were failed, can be retaken during the next exam cycle with no need to redo the portions that were completed successfully.

The cost for a complete diploma for the mat and all apparatus is 7500 euros TTC.
After being accepted in the certification program, a 300 euro non-reimbursable deposit is required to reserve the candidates place. This will be deducted from the 7500.
If the original contract for the complete certification needs to be modified to reflect a formation by module, a new contract will need to be signed.
The price includes:
The complete certification
Access to the school via a digicode
The right to reserve machines
The right to observe teaching at the school
Mat Grading:
Personal Practice
Ability to perform all of the Mat exercises at an advanced level - maximum 38 points, teaching - maximum 18 points, anatomy- maximum 20 points, case study (ungraded). A debriefing is always done with those students who have not tested well. Students who have passed the exam can request a debriefing. All students will receive an evaluation by email with notes given by each member of the formation team and a fourth person who is outside of the team explaining what points need improvement, and what was done exceptionally well. The portions of the tests that were failed, can be retaken during the next exam period with no need to redo the portions that were successfully done.
Reformer Grading
Ability to perform all reformer exercises and transitions at an advanced level - maximum 46 points, ability to teach a reformer lesson at an advanced level - maximum 18 points. We do not give a “diploma” for successful completion of the Reformer test out, but an “attestation” of completion. Students are informed by email of their grade and notes from each member of the formation team. Again, debriefings are given to those who do not successfully pass the reformer evaluations. Those who do succeed can also request a debriefing. The portions of the tests that were failed, can be retaken during the next exam period with no need to redo the portions that were successfully done.
Final Grading
Ability to perform advanced exercises on reformer, trap table and chair-maximum 6 points, ability to successfully teach an advanced level course on reformer, trap table, chair - maximum 19 points, written anatomy test- maximum 20 points, Case study- maximum 5 points